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This Provider Implementation Guide provides the information required for a successful implementation of receiving and returning Lien Release orders and order status using the MortgageSats API integration.

This document is created, maintained, and distributed by Avanze Tech Labs Inc. to communicate the implementation requirements to their vendors/partners. Avanze supports the contents included in the Provider Implementation Guide when the document originates from Avanze.

Archwell will be sending order request and other respective events with the following Mortgage Partner IDs. Providers should confirm that all Archwell MortgageSats Partner IDs are configured in their appropriate environment.

Partner ID Partner Name
MSats**** *****
Party ID Party Name
MSats**** *****

Archwell will be ordering the following products through MortgageSats. Providers should verify that their MortgageSats interface supports these products and represents the correct geographic coverage to meet Archwell needs. This product listing contains all possible products that Archwell will be ordering on the MortgageSats platform. Providers should refer to their specific service level agreement with Archwell and configure the products that are applicable to their MortgageSats interface for this implementation.

Product Code Product Name
1 Lien Release
2 Assignment

Note: In future we can have dynamic setup for the product based upon business needs.


The HTTP Post Method may be implemented for the purpose of inbound event transmission. Partner can send files via HTTP and will receive an XML Response informing them of the status of their submission. This is most frequently used in integrations for the posting. HTTP Posting can also be used as a delivery method for integration partners who choose to receive files via HTTP. HTTPS or SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the most common implementation of this method, due to SSL’s security benefits.

Integration partners may also choose to develop an HTTP Receiver of their own, in which they would receive via HTTP Post. Following URL will be used by integration to post inbound events to Msats API application which will route the events to Msats application.



Authorization through POST Parameters

Two parameters are required in order submit requests through HTTPs POST.

Username = [USER]

Password = [PASSWORD]

Username and password value used to authenticate incoming request. These values are defined in Msats API application for each integrator.

Authorization through Header

Instead of sending credentials in plain text through post parameters, an authenticated request includes the Authorization Header Variable. If this header is not included, the request is anonymous and may not succeed against API services.

To authenticate a request, you must encode the combined username and password in the request.

The format for the Authorization header is as follows:

Authorization: Basic [Encoded-Base64-String]

Constructing the Basic Authentication

Username and password are combined into a string “username:password”

The result string is then encoded using Base64.

In Header authorization, add “Basic” before the encoded string. There should be space in between “Basic” and encoded string

Event Code Event Name Event Originator MSATS Sending MSATS Receiving Event Definition
AT01 PlaceOrder MSATS R MSats sends this event to initiate an order request to CoreLogic.
AT02 AcceptOrder Partner R CoreLogic sends this event to MSats to inform MSats the CoreLogic accepts the order request.
AT03 RejectOrder Partner R CoreLogic sends this event to MSats to inform MSats the CoreLogic does not accept the order request.
AT04 ProductDelivery Partner R CoreLogic sends this event to MSats with the order documents.
AT05 AddNotes Both O O MSats and/or CoreLogic send this event to provide a note on an order request.
AT06 OnHoldOrder Both O O MSats and/or CoreLogic send this event to place the order request on hold.
AT07 CancelOrder Both R R MSats and/or CoreLogic send this event to cancel the order request.
AT08 ResumeOrder Both O O MSats or CoreLogic sends this event to resume a service order request that has been cancelled or put on hold.
AT16 Add Document Both O O MSats and/or CoreLogic send this event to provide a document on an order request.
AT10 CompleteOrder Partner R The CoreLogic sends this event to the MSats to notify the MSats that the order request is complete.
AT40 OrderStatus Partner R The CoreLogic sends this event to the MSats periodically to notify the current status the order.
AT41 GetStatus MSats R The MSats sends this event to the CoreLogic periodically to notify the current status the order.

      R - Required Events that will occur on all Orders.
      O - Optional Events that if they occur on an Order, CoreLogic is required to support.

  Archwell has documented the workflow process they require of their Partners which includes the ordering and completion of products.

Order Placement
      1. MSats will create the Order Requests (MSatsAPI Event AT01)
      2. Msats API will route the orders to CoreLogic.

Confirmation of the orders
      3. CoreLogic will confirm the request (MSatsAPI Event AT02) for the order.
      4. If CoreLogic does not accept the order, CoreLogic will decline the order by sending Order Not Accepted by CoreLogic (MSatsAPI Event AT03) on the order.

Order Process
      5. When the order is complete, CoreLogic will upload the documents using Document Delivered by CoreLogic (MSatsAPI Event AT04).

Completion of Order
      6. Upon completion of the order, CoreLogic will send Order Completed (MSatsAPI Event AT10) to the order to indicate the order is complete.

General Use Events
      7. CoreLogic should post any notes or events to MSats by sending Note (MSatsAPI Event AT05) on the applicable order. Note (MSatsAPI Event AT05) will also be utilized by the MSats on the applicable order to relay information to CoreLogic.
      8. The MSats and/or CoreLogic may communicate that the order is on hold by sending Order On-Hold (MSatsAPI Event AT06) event. The Order Resume (MSatsAPI Event AT06) is sent to resume an order that has been put on hold (MSatsAPI Event AT08).
      9. The CoreLogic sends this Order Status (MSatsAPI Event AT40) event to the MSats periodically to notify the current status the order.
      10. The Msats sends this Get Status (MSatsAPI Event AT41) event to the CoreLogic periodically to get the current status the order from CoreLogic.
      11. If either the CoreLogic or MSats needs to cancel the order at any time, Order Cancelled (MSatsAPI Event AT07) should be sent on the order to be cancelled.
      12. The MSats and/or CoreLogic sends this Add Document (MSatsAPI Event AT16) event to MSats and/or CoreLogic to share the Documents for the order.

      R - Required Fields that will occur on all Orders.
      O - Optional Fields that they may or may not occur on an Order.
      D - Dependent Fields that will occur based on the Partner requirement.

Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
PartnerID R Partner Identification – it is mandatory to process the request
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT01
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: PlaceOrder
OrderNumber R Order number of the provider
LoanNumber R Loan number of the order
ProductName R Name of the product for which order requested. ie) Lien Release/ Assignment
PaidInFullDate D Date of loan amount paid (yyyy-mm-dd)
OriginalLoanDate D Actual loan date (yyyy-mm-dd)
OriginalLoanBalance D Actual loan amount pending
BorrowerPaidFee D Borrower paid amount
Comment O Comments
Transaction > Property
Addr1 R Property address
Addr2 R Property address
City R Property city
State R Property state code
Zip R Property zipcode
Transaction > BorrowerList
Count D No. of borrowers
Transaction > BorrowerList > Borrower
Name D Borrower name
Email D Borrower email id
Transaction > BorrowerList > CoBorrower
Name D Co-Borrower name
Email D Co-Borrower email id
Transaction > DocumentList
Count R No. of documents attached
Transaction > DocumentList > Document
FileName R File name
FileType R Document type. Eg: PDF
Content R Encoded content of the file
EncodeType R Encoded format. Eg: Base64
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>APPName</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <PartnerID>MSatsCLT001</PartnerID> <EventCode>AT01</EventCode> <EventName>PlaceOrder</EventName> </Header> <Transaction> <OrderNumber>ARCHWELL-FM21001807</OrderNumber> <LoanNumber>654654</LoanNumber> <ProductName>Lien Release</ProductName> <PaidInFullDate>2021-06-08</PaidInFullDate> <OriginalLoanDate>2021-06-08</OriginalLoanDate> <OriginalLoanBalance>5000.00</OriginalLoanBalance> <BorrowerPaidFee>500.00</BorrowerPaidFee> <Comment>Place Order Request</Comment> <Property> <Addr1>XPRESS STREET</Addr1> <Addr2>Second Avenue</Addr2> <City>BOSTWICK</City> <County>PUTNAM</County> <State>FL</State> <Zip>32007</Zip> </Property> <BorrowerList> <Count>2</Count> <Borrower> <Name>Janet Smith</Name> <Email></Email> </Borrower> <CoBorrower> <Name>Rose Smith</Name> <Email></Email> </CoBorrower> </BorrowerList> <DocumentList> <Count>3</Count> <Document> <FileName>sample.pdf</FileName> <FileType>PDF</FileType> <Content>Base64 Encode Content</Content> <EncodeType>Base64</EncodeType> </Document> <Document> <FileName>sample1.pdf</FileName> <FileType>PDF</FileType> <Content>Base64 Encode Content</Content> <EncodeType>Base64</EncodeType> </Document> <Document> <FileName>sample-pdf-file.pdf</FileName> <FileType>PDF</FileType> <Content>Base64 Encode Content</Content> <EncodeType>Base64</EncodeType> </Document> </DocumentList> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "APPName", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "PartnerID": "MSatsCLT001", "EventCode": "AT01", "EventName": "PlaceOrder" }, "Transaction": { "OrderNumber": "ARCHWELL-FM21001807", "LoanNumber": "654654", "ProductName": "Lien Release", "PaidInFullDate": "2021-06-08", "OriginalLoanDate": "2021-06-08", "OriginalLoanBalance": "5000.00", "BorrowerPaidFee": "500.00", "Comment": "Place Order Request", "Property": { "Addr1": "XPRESS STREET", "Addr2": "Second Avenue", "City": "BOSTWICK", "County": "PUTNAM", "State": "FL", "Zip": "32007" }, "BorrowerList": { "Count": "2", "Borrower": { "Name": "Janet Smith", "Email": "" }, "CoBorrower": { "Name": "Rose Smith", "Email": "" } }, "DocumentList": { "Count": "3", "Document": [ { "FileName": "sample.pdf", "FileType": "PDF", "Content": "Base64 Encode Content", "EncodeType": "Base64" }, { "FileName": "sample1.pdf", "FileType": "PDF", "Content": "Base64 Encode Content", "EncodeType": "Base64" }, { "FileName": "sample-pdf-file.pdf", "FileType": "PDF", "Content": "Base64 Encode Content", "EncodeType": "Base64" } ] } } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
PartnerID R Partner Identification – it is mandatory to process the request
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT02
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: AcceptOrder
OrderNumber R Order number of the provider
ProviderOrderNbr R Partner Unique Order Number
Comment O Comments
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>CORELOGIC</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <PartnerID>MSatsCLT001</PartnerID> <EventCode>AT01</EventCode> <EventName>PlaceOrder</EventName> </Header> <Transaction> <OrderNumber>ARCHWELL-FM21001805</OrderNumber> <ProviderOrderNbr>546645</ProviderOrderNbr> <Comment>Accept Order</Comment> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "CORELOGIC", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "PartnerID": "MSatsCLT001", "EventCode": "AT01", "EventName": "PlaceOrder" }, "Transaction": { "OrderNumber": "ARCHWELL-FM21001805", "ProviderOrderNbr": "546645", "Comment": "Accept Order" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
PartnerID R Partner Identification – it is mandatory to process the request
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT03
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: RejectOrder
OrderNumber R Order number of the provider
ProviderOrderNbr R Partner Unique Order Number
Comment O Comments
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>APPName</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <PartnerID>MSatsCLT001</PartnerID> <EventCode>AT03</EventCode> <EventName>RejectOrder</EventName> </Header> <Transaction> <OrderNumber>ARCHWELL-FM21000592</OrderNumber> <ProviderOrderNbr>546645</ProviderOrderNbr> <Comment>Reject Order</Comment> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "APPName", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "PartnerID": "MSatsCLT001", "EventCode": "AT03", "EventName": "RejectOrder" }, "Transaction": { "OrderNumber": "ARCHWELL-FM21000592", "ProviderOrderNbr": "546645", "Comment": "Reject Order" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
PartnerID R Partner Identification – it is mandatory to process the request
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT04
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: ProductDelivery
OrderNumber R Order number of the provider
ProviderOrderNbr R Partner Unique Order Number
Comment O Comments
Transaction > ProductData
PropertyAddress1 R Property address
PropertyAddress2 R Property address
PropertyCityName R Property located city
PropertyStateName R State code
PropertyCountyName R County
PropertyZipCode R Zipcode
BorrowerNameFirst D Borrower first name
BorrowerNameMiddle D Borrower middle name
BorrowerNameLast D Borrower last name
NoteDate D Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
LoanAmount D Loan amount
MaturityDate D Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
MERSDescription D MERS Description
ReturnToOrg D Return Organization
ReturnAddress1 D Address line 1
ReturnAddress2 D Address line 2
ReturnCityName D City
ReturnStateCode D State code
ReturnZipCode D Zip code
TaxID D Tax ID
MERSPhoneNo D Phone
AssignorName D Assignor name
MortgageDated D Mortgage Date
DocumentNumber D Document Number
Trustee D Trustee
MIN D MIN number
LenderName D Lender Name
LenderAddress D Lender Address
RecordedDate D Recorded Date
LegalDescription D Legal description
NotaryDateOfExpiration D Date
Notary D Notary Name
NotaryAck D Notary ACK Description
NotaryStateName D State
NotaryCountyName D County
SignorTitle D Signor Title Information
Signor D Signor Name
EndorserName D Endorser Name
AssignorAddress1 D Assignor Address1
AssignorAddress2 D Assignor Address2
AssignorCityName D Assignor city
AssignorStateName D Assignor state
AssignorZipCode D Assignor Zipcode
AssigneeName D Assignee Name
AssigneeAddress1 D Assignee Address1
AssigneeAddress2 D Assignee Address2
AssigneeCityName D Assignee city
AssigneeStateName D Assignee state
AssigneeZipCode D Assignee Zipcode
BorrowerName D Borrower Name
Book D Book
Page D Page
PropertyStateName D State code
Instrument D Instrument
PrintDate D Print Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Witness1 D Witness Name1
Witness2 D Witness Name2
DeedOfTrustDated D Deed of Trust Dated (yyyy-mm-dd)
SecurityDeedDate D Security Deed Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
LoanNumber D Loan number
Mortgagor D Mortgagor Name
Mortgagee D Mortgagee Name
DatedDate D Dated Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
ExecutedDate D Executed Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
OwnerName D Owner name
Designation D Designation
ReturnPhoneNo D Phone number
MERSMailingAddress D MERS Mailing Address
PreparedBy D The person who prepared the document
PreparedByOrg D The organization who prepared the document
PreparedByAddress1 D Address line1
PreparedByAddress2 D Address line2
PreparedByCityName D City name
PreparedByStateCode D State
PreparedZipCode D Zipcode
PreparedByPhoneNo D Phone number
Transaction > DocumentList
Count R No. of documents attached
Transaction > DocumentList > Document
FileName R File name
FileType R Document type. Eg: PDF
Content R Encoded content of the file
EncodeType R Encoded format. Eg: Base64
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>APPName</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <PartnerID>MSatsCLT001</PartnerID> <EventCode>AT04</EventCode> <EventName>ProductDelivery</EventName> </Header> <Transaction> <OrderNumber>ARCHWELL-FM21000592</OrderNumber> <ProviderOrderNbr>546645</ProviderOrderNbr> <Comment>Product Delivery</Comment> <ProductData> <PropertyAddress1>Xpress Street</PropertyAddress1> <PropertyAddress2>Second Avenue</PropertyAddress2> <PropertyCityName>BOSTWICK</PropertyCityName> <PropertyStateName>FL</PropertyStateName> <PropertyCountyName>PUTNAM</PropertyCountyName> <PropertyZipCode>32007</PropertyZipCode> <BorrowerNameFirst>John</BorrowerNameFirst> <BorrowerNameMiddle>K</BorrowerNameMiddle> <BorrowerNameLast>Doe</BorrowerNameLast> <NoteDate>2021-06-09</NoteDate> <LoanAmount>50000.00</LoanAmount> <MaturityDate>2021-06-06</MaturityDate> <MERSDescription>Description</MERSDescription> <ReturnToOrg>Test Bank</ReturnToOrg> <ReturnAddress1>West Street</ReturnAddress1> <ReturnAddress2></ReturnAddress2> <ReturnCityName>BOSTWICK</ReturnCityName> <ReturnStateCode>FL</ReturnStateCode> <ReturnZipCode>32007</ReturnZipCode> <TaxID>TX0001</TaxID> <MERSPhoneNo>98912122345</MERSPhoneNo> <AssignorName>John Smith</AssignorName> <MortgageDated>2021-05-21</MortgageDated> <DocumentNumber>D0001</DocumentNumber> <Trustee>James Smith</Trustee> <MIN>Test</MIN> <Lender>Mike L. Johnson</Lender> <LenderName>Mike L. Johnson</LenderName> <LenderAddress>West Street</LenderAddress> <RecordedDate>2021-05-21</RecordedDate> <LegalDescription>legal description</LegalDescription> <NotaryDateOfExpiration>2021-04-21</NotaryDateOfExpiration> <Notary>Margret E. Smith</Notary> <NotaryAck></NotaryAck> <NotaryCountyName>PUTNAM</NotaryCountyName> <SignorTitle>Mr</SignorTitle> <Signor>Joe Morgon</Signor> <EndorserName></EndorserName> <AssignorAddress1>North Street</AssignorAddress1> <AssignorAddress2></AssignorAddress2> <AssignorCityName>BOSTWICK</AssignorCityName> <AssignorStateName>FL</AssignorStateName> <AssignorZipCode>32007</AssignorZipCode> <AssigneeName>Jane Doe</AssigneeName> <AssigneeAddress1>South Street</AssigneeAddress1> <AssigneeAddress2></AssigneeAddress2> <AssigneeCityName>BOSTWICK</AssigneeCityName> <AssigneeStateName>FL</AssigneeStateName> <AssigneeZipCode>32007</AssigneeZipCode> <BorrowerName>Joh Doe</BorrowerName> <Book>35</Book> <Page>12</Page> <NotaryStateName>FL</NotaryStateName> <Witness1>James Smith</Witness1> <PrintDate>2021-04-21</PrintDate> <DeedOfTrustDated>2021-04-26</DeedOfTrustDated> <Witness2></Witness2> <SecurityDeedDate>2021-05-10</SecurityDeedDate> <LoanNumber>LN03483940</LoanNumber> <SIS></SIS> <Mortgagor>Ian Morgon</Mortgagor> <Mortgagee>Steve Waugh</Mortgagee> <Instrument>3533</Instrument> <DatedDate>2021-04-28</DatedDate> <ExecutedDate>2021-05-21</ExecutedDate> <OwnerName>John Doe</OwnerName> <Designation>Attorney</Designation> <ReturnPhoneNo>394839333</ReturnPhoneNo> <MERSMailingAddress>West Street</MERSMailingAddress> <PreparedBy>Margret E. Smith</PreparedBy> <PreparedByOrg>Test Bank</PreparedByOrg> <PreparedByAddress1>North Street</PreparedByAddress1> <PreparedByAddress2></PreparedByAddress2> <PreparedByCityName>BOSTWICK</PreparedByCityName> <PreparedByStateCode>FL</PreparedByStateCode> <PreparedZipCode>32007</PreparedZipCode> <PreparedByPhoneNo>2293989</PreparedByPhoneNo> </ProductData> <DocumentList> <Count>2</Count> <Document> <FileName>FILE1.pdf</FileName> <FileType>PDF</FileType> <Content>Base64 Encode Content</Content> <EncodeType>Base64</EncodeType> </Document> <Document> <FileName>FILE3.pdf</FileName> <FileType>PDF</FileType> <Content>Base64 Encode Content</Content> <EncodeType>Base64</EncodeType> </Document> </DocumentList> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "APPName", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "PartnerID": "MSatsCLT001", "EventCode": "AT04", "EventName": "ProductDelivery" }, "Transaction": { "OrderNumber": "ARCHWELL-FM21000592", "ProviderOrderNbr": "546645", "Comment": "Product Delivery", "ProductData": { "PropertyAddress1": "Xpress Street", "PropertyAddress2": "Second Avenue", "PropertyCityName": "BOSTWICK", "PropertyStateName": "FL", "PropertyCountyName": "PUTNAM", "PropertyZipCode": "32007", "BorrowerNameFirst": "John", "BorrowerNameMiddle": "K", "BorrowerNameLast": "Doe", "NoteDate": "2021-06-09", "LoanAmount": "50000.00", "MaturityDate": "2021-06-06", "MERSDescription": "Description", "ReturnToOrg": "Test Bank", "ReturnAddress1": "West Street", "ReturnAddress2": {}, "ReturnCityName": "BOSTWICK", "ReturnStateCode": "FL", "ReturnZipCode": "32007", "TaxID": "TX0001", "MERSPhoneNo": "98912122345", "AssignorName": "John Smith", "MortgageDated": "2021-05-21", "DocumentNumber": "D0001", "Trustee": "James Smith", "MIN": "Test", "Lender": "Mike L. Johnson", "LenderName": "Mike L. Johnson", "LenderAddress": "West Street", "RecordedDate": "2021-05-21", "LegalDescription": "legal description", "NotaryDateOfExpiration": "2021-04-21", "Notary": "Margret E. Smith", "NotaryAck": {}, "NotaryCountyName": "PUTNAM", "SignorTitle": "Mr", "Signor": "Joe Morgon", "EndorserName": {}, "AssignorAddress1": "North Street", "AssignorAddress2": {}, "AssignorCityName": "BOSTWICK", "AssignorStateName": "FL", "AssignorZipCode": "32007", "AssigneeName": "Jane Doe", "AssigneeAddress1": "South Street", "AssigneeAddress2": {}, "AssigneeCityName": "BOSTWICK", "AssigneeStateName": "FL", "AssigneeZipCode": "32007", "BorrowerName": "Joh Doe", "Book": "35", "Page": "12", "NotaryStateName": "FL", "Witness1": "James Smith", "PrintDate": "2021-04-21", "DeedOfTrustDated": "2021-04-26", "Witness2": {}, "SecurityDeedDate": "2021-05-10", "LoanNumber": "LN03483940", "SIS": {}, "Mortgagor": "Ian Morgon", "Mortgagee": "Steve Waugh", "Instrument": "3533", "DatedDate": "2021-04-28", "ExecutedDate": "2021-05-21", "OwnerName": "John Doe", "Designation": "Attorney", "ReturnPhoneNo": "394839333", "MERSMailingAddress": "West Street", "PreparedBy": "Margret E. Smith", "PreparedByOrg": "Test Bank", "PreparedByAddress1": "North Street", "PreparedByAddress2": {}, "PreparedByCityName": "BOSTWICK", "PreparedByStateCode": "FL", "PreparedZipCode": "32007", "PreparedByPhoneNo": "2293989" }, "DocumentList": { "Count": "2", "Document": [ { "FileName": "FILE1.pdf", "FileType": "PDF", "Content": "Base64 Encode Content", "EncodeType": "Base64" }, { "FileName": "FILE3.pdf", "FileType": "PDF", "Content": "Base64 Encode Content", "EncodeType": "Base64" } ] } } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
PartnerID R Partner Identification – it is mandatory to process the request
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT05
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: AddNotes
OrderNumber R Order number of the provider
ProviderOrderNbr R Partner Unique Order Number
Comment O Comments
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>APPName</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <PartnerID>MSatsCLT001</PartnerID> <EventCode>AT05</EventCode> <EventName>AddNotes</EventName> </Header> <Transaction> <OrderNumber>ARCHWELL-FM21000592</OrderNumber> <ProviderOrderNbr>546645</ProviderOrderNbr> <Comment>Sharing notes</Comment> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "APPName", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "PartnerID": "MSatsCLT001", "EventCode": "AT05", "EventName": "AddNotes" }, "Transaction": { "OrderNumber": "ARCHWELL-FM21000592", "ProviderOrderNbr": "546645", "Comment": "Sharing notes" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
PartnerID R Partner Identification – it is mandatory to process the request
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT06
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: OnHoldOrder
OrderNumber R Order number of the provider
ProviderOrderNbr R Partner Unique Order Number
Comment O Comments
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>APPName</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <PartnerID>MSatsCLT001</PartnerID> <EventCode>AT06</EventCode> <EventName>HoldOrder</EventName> </Header> <Transaction> <OrderNumber>ARCHWELL-FM21000593</OrderNumber> <ProviderOrderNbr>546645</ProviderOrderNbr> <Comment>On-holding reasons</Comment> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "APPName", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "PartnerID": "MSatsCLT001", "EventCode": "AT06", "EventName": "HoldOrder" }, "Transaction": { "OrderNumber": "ARCHWELL-FM21000593", "ProviderOrderNbr": "546645", "Comment": "On-holding reasons" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
PartnerID R Partner Identification – it is mandatory to process the request
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT07
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: CancelOrder
OrderNumber R Order number of the provider
ProviderOrderNbr R Partner Unique Order Number
Comment O Comments
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>APPName</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <PartnerID>MSatsCLT001</PartnerID> <EventCode>AT07</EventCode> <EventName>CancelOrder</EventName> </Header> <Transaction> <OrderNumber>ARCHWELL-FM21001806</OrderNumber> <ProviderOrderNbr>546645</ProviderOrderNbr> <Comment>Cancel Order</Comment> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "APPName", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "PartnerID": "MSatsCLT001", "EventCode": "AT07", "EventName": "CancelOrder" }, "Transaction": { "OrderNumber": "ARCHWELL-FM21001806", "ProviderOrderNbr": "546645", "Comment": "Cancel Order" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
PartnerID R Partner Identification – it is mandatory to process the request
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT08
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: ResumeOrder
OrderNumber R Order number of the provider
ProviderOrderNbr R Partner Unique Order Number
Comment O Comments
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>APPName</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <PartnerID>MSatsCLT001</PartnerID> <EventCode>AT08</EventCode> <EventName>ResumeOrder</EventName> </Header> <Transaction> <OrderNumber>ARCHWELL-FM21001806</OrderNumber> <ProviderOrderNbr>546645</ProviderOrderNbr> <Comment>Resuming reasons</Comment> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "APPName", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "PartnerID": "MSatsCLT001", "EventCode": "AT08", "EventName": "ResumeOrder" }, "Transaction": { "OrderNumber": "ARCHWELL-FM21001806", "ProviderOrderNbr": "546645", "Comment": "Resuming reasons" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
PartnerID R Partner Identification – it is mandatory to process the request
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT10
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: CompleteOrder
OrderNumber R Order number of the provider
ProviderOrderNbr R Partner Unique Order Number
Comment O Comments
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>APPName</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <PartnerID>MSatsCLT001</PartnerID> <EventCode>AT10</EventCode> <EventName>CompleteOrder</EventName> </Header> <Transaction> <OrderNumber>ARCHWELL-FM21001806</OrderNumber> <ProviderOrderNbr>546645</ProviderOrderNbr> <Comment>Complete Order</Comment> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "APPName", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "PartnerID": "MSatsCLT001", "EventCode": "AT10", "EventName": "CompleteOrder" }, "Transaction": { "OrderNumber": "ARCHWELL-FM21001806", "ProviderOrderNbr": "546645", "Comment": "Complete Order" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
PartnerID R Partner Identification – it is mandatory to process the request
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT10
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: CompleteOrder
OrderNumber R Order number of the provider
ProviderOrderNbr R Partner Unique Order Number
Comment O Comments
Transaction > Documents > DocumentType
Name R Name of the Document Type
Transaction > Documents > DocumentType > Docs > Doc
FileName R File Name
FileSource R File Source Eg : S3
FileType R Document Type Eg : PDF
FilePath R File Path .Eg : Path/Filename1.pdf
FileDPI O File DPI Eg : 300
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>APPName</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <PartnerID>MSatsCLT001</PartnerID> <EventCode>AT16</EventCode> <EventName>AddDocument</EventName> </Header> <Transaction> <OrderNumber>ARCHWELL-FM21001806</OrderNumber> <ProviderOrderNbr>546645</ProviderOrderNbr> <Comment>Adding documents</Comment> <Documents> <DocumentType> <Name>Deed</Name> <Docs> <Doc> <FileName>sample-pdf-file1.pdf</FileName> <FileSource>S3</FileSource> <FileType>PDF</FileType> <FilePath>Path/Filename1.pdf</FilePath> <FileDPI>300</FileDPI> </Doc> <Doc> <FileName>sample-pdf-file23.pdf</FileName> <FileSource>S3</FileSource> <FileType>PDF</FileType> <FilePath>Path/Filename1.pdf</FilePath> <FileDPI>300</FileDPI> </Doc> </Docs> </DocumentType> <DocumentType> <Name>Mortgage</Name> <Docs> <Doc> <FileName>sample-pdf-file1.pdf</FileName> <FileSource>S3</FileSource> <FileType>PDF</FileType> <FilePath>Path/Filename1.pdf</FilePath> <FileDPI>300</FileDPI> </Doc> </Docs> </DocumentType> </Documents> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "APPName", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "PartnerID": "MSatsCLT001", "EventCode": "AT16", "EventName": "AddDocument" }, "Transaction": { "OrderNumber": "ARCHWELL-FM21001806", "ProviderOrderNbr": "546645", "Comment": "Adding documents", "Documents": { "DocumentType": [ { "Name": "Deed", "Docs": { "Doc": [ { "FileName": "sample-pdf-file1.pdf", "FileSource": "S3", "FileType": "PDF", "FilePath": "Path/Filename1.pdf", "FileDPI": "300" }, { "FileName": "sample-pdf-file23.pdf", "FileSource": "S3", "FileType": "PDF", "FilePath": "Path/Filename1.pdf", "FileDPI": "300" } ] } }, { "Name": "Mortgage", "Docs": { "Doc": { "FileName": "sample-pdf-file1.pdf", "FileSource": "S3", "FileType": "PDF", "FilePath": "Path/Filename1.pdf", "FileDPI": "300" } } } ] } } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
PartnerID R Partner Identification – it is mandatory to process the request
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT40
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: OrderStatus
OrderNumber R Order number of the provider
ProviderOrderNbr R Partner Unique Order Number
Comment O Comments
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>APPName</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <PartnerID>MSatsCLT001</PartnerID> <EventCode>AT40</EventCode> <EventName>OrderStatus</EventName> </Header> <Transaction> <OrderNumber>ARCHWELL-FM21001806</OrderNumber> <ProviderOrderNbr>546645</ProviderOrderNbr> <OrderStatus>Work In Progress</OrderStatus> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "APPName", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "PartnerID": "MSatsCLT001", "EventCode": "AT40", "EventName": "OrderStatus" }, "Transaction": { "OrderNumber": "ARCHWELL-FM21001806", "ProviderOrderNbr": "546645", "OrderStatus": "Work In Progress" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
PartnerID R Partner Identification – it is mandatory to process the request
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT41
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: GetStatus
OrderNumber R Order number of the provider
ProviderOrderNbr R Partner Unique Order Number
Comment O Comments
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>APPName</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <PartnerID>MSatsCLT001</PartnerID> <EventCode>AT41</EventCode> <EventName>GetStatus</EventName> </Header> <Transaction> <OrderNumber>ARCHWELL-FM21001806</OrderNumber> <ProviderOrderNbr>546645</ProviderOrderNbr> <Comment>Get Status</Comment> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "APPName", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "PartnerID": "MSatsCLT001", "EventCode": "AT41", "EventName": "GetStatus" }, "Transaction": { "OrderNumber": "ARCHWELL-FM21001806", "ProviderOrderNbr": "546645", "Comment": "Get Status" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
PartnerID R Partner Identification – it is mandatory to process the request
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: ACK
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: Acknowledgement
OrderNumber R Order number of the provider
ProviderOrderNbr O Corelogic Unique Order Number
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>APPName</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <PartnerID>MSatsCLT001</PartnerID> <EventCode>ACK</EventCode> <EventName>Acknowledgement</EventName> </Header> <Transaction> <OrderNumber>ARCHWELL-FM21001805</OrderNumber> <ProviderOrderNbr>546645</ProviderOrderNbr> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "APPName", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "PartnerID": "MSatsCLT001", "EventCode": "ACK", "EventName": "Acknowledgement" }, "Transaction": { "OrderNumber": "ARCHWELL-FM21001805", "ProviderOrderNbr": "546645" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
PartnerID R Partner Identification – it is mandatory to process the request
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: NACK
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: Negative Acknowledgement
ProviderOrderNbr R Partner Unique Order Number
Transaction > Errors
ErrorCode R Error Code
ErrorType R Type of error received
Description R Describes about the error
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>APPName</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <PartnerID>MSatsCLT001</PartnerID> <EventCode>NACK</EventCode> <EventName>NegativeAcknowledgement</EventName> </Header> <Transaction> <ProviderOrderNbr/> <Errors> <ErrorCode>ER001</ErrorCode> <ErrorType>UnauthorizedAccessException</ErrorType> <Description>Login failed. Invalid password.</Description> </Errors> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "APPName", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "PartnerID": "MSatsCLT001", "EventCode": "NACK", "EventName": "NegativeAcknowledgement" }, "Transaction": { "ProviderOrderNbr": "", "Errors": { "ErrorCode": "ER001", "ErrorType": "UnauthorizedAccessException", "Description": "Login failed. Invalid password." } } }