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This Client Integration Guide provides the information required for a successful implementation of receiving and returning stacked/indexed/audited Loan Packages and order status using the CLIENT API integration.

This document is created, maintained, and distributed by Avanze Tech Labs Inc. to communicate the implementation requirements to their vendors/STACXs. Avanze supports the contents included in the Provider Implementation Guide when the document originates from Avanze.

Client ID

Client will be sending the order request and other respective events with the following ClientID’s. Client should confirm that all CLIENT ClientID’s are configured in their appropriate environment.

Environment Client ID Client Name

Client will be ordering the following products through CLIENT. This product listing contains all possible products that Avanze will deliver through the CLIENT platform. Customers should refer to their specific subscription agreement with Avanze and configure the products that are subscribed for this implementation

Product Code Product Name
1 Post-Closing Review
2 Trailing Docs
3 Doc Classification & Extraction
4 Post-Closing Audit Only
5 Doc Classification Only


The HTTP Post Method may be implemented for the purpose of inbound event transmission. Client can send files via HTTP and will receive an XML Response informing them of the status of their submission. This is most frequently used in integrations for the posting. HTTP Posting can also be used as a delivery method for integration STACXs who choose to receive files via HTTP. HTTPS or SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the most common implementation of this method, due to SSL’s security benefits.

Integration Clients may also choose to develop an HTTP Receiver of their own, in which they would receive via HTTP Post. Following URL will be used by integration to post inbound events to CLIENT API application which will route the events to CLIENT application.

Environment URL

Authorization through POST Parameters

Two parameters are required in order submit requests through HTTPs POST.
Username = [USER]

Password = [PASSWORD]

Username and password value used to authenticate incoming request. These values are defined in CLIENT API application for each integrator.

Authorization through Header

Instead of sending credentials in plain text through post parameters, an authenticated request includes the Authorization Header Variable. If this header is not included, the request is anonymous and may not succeed against API services.

To authenticate a request, you must encode the combined username and password in the request.

The format for the Authorization header is as follows:

Authorization: Basic [Encoded-Base64-String]

Constructing the Basic Authentication

Username and password are combined into a string “username:password”

The result string is then encoded using Base64.

In Header authorization, add “Basic” before the encoded string. There should be space in between “Basic” and encoded string

Authorization through POST Parameters

Token-based authentication is a protocol which allows users to verify their identity, and in return receive a unique access token. During the life of the token, users then access the website or app that the token has been issued for, rather than having to re-enter credentials each time they go back to the same webpage, app, or any resource protected with that same token.

Auth tokens work like a stamped ticket. The user retains access as long as the token remains valid. Once the user logs out or quits an app, the token is invalidated.

Token-based authentication is different from traditional password-based or server-based authentication techniques. Tokens offer a second layer of security, and administrators have detailed control over each action and transaction.

Token Authentication in 4 Easy Steps:

Use a token-based authentication system, and visitors will verify credentials just once. In return, they'll get a token that allows access for a time period you define.

The process works like this:

Request: The person asks for access to a server or protected resource. That could involve a login with a password, or it could involve some other process you specify. Verification: The server determines that the person should have access. That could involve checking the password against the username, or it could involve another process you specify. Tokens: The server communicates with the authentication device, like a ring, key, phone, or similar device. After verification, the server issues a token and passes it to the user. Storage: The token sits within the user's browser while work continues.

If the user attempts to visit a different part of the server, the token communicates with the server again. Access is granted or denied based on the token.

Administrators set limits on tokens. You could allow a one-use token that is immediately destroyed when the person logs out. Or you could set the token to self-destruct at the end of a specified time period.

A JSON Web Token consists of three parts: Header, Payload and Signature. The header and payload are Base64 encoded, then concatenated by a period, finally the result is algorithmically signed producing a token in the form of The header consists of metadata including the type of token and the hashing algorithm used to sign the token. The payload contains the claims data that the token is encoding. The final result looks like:


Authorization through POST Parameters

OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorization. The first step is to direct the user to the authorization endpoint supplying the query parameters described below[YOUR ID]&client_secret=[YOUR SECRET]&scope=[YOUR SCOPE]
client_id [USER]
client_secret [PASSWORD]
scope Integrations

The Integration sends a POST request with following body parameters to the authorization server:

- grant_type with the value client_credentials
- client_id with the client’s ID
- client_secret with the client’s secret
- scope with a space-delimited list of requested scope permissions.

The authorization server will respond with a JSON object containing the following properties:

- token_type with the value Bearer
- expires_in with an integer representing the TTL of the access token
- access_token is the 32 bit hash Bearer Token used for authentication.

The access token is active for 15 minutes, up to a maximum of 120 minutes (2 hours). To avoid expiration, the access token must be used (by calling an API) at least once every 15 minutes. Active minutes and expiration duration are configurable based on the Integration requirements.

Event Code Event Name Type Event Definition
AddNote Add NotesINBOUNDClient and/or STACX sends this event to add special notes or comments in the loan.
AddNote Add NotesOUTBOUNDClient and/or STACX sends this event to add special notes or comments in the loan.
CancelOrder Cancel ServiceINBOUNDClient and/or STACX send this event to cancel the order request
CancelOrder Cancel ServiceOUTBOUNDClient and/or STACX send this event to cancel the order request
GetStatus Get StatusINBOUNDClient send this event to get the current status of the loan in STACX.
HoldOrder Processing On HoldINBOUND Client and/or STACX sends this event to hold the loan.
HoldOrder Processing On HoldOUTBOUND Client and/or STACX sends this event to hold the loan.
PlaceOrder Place New Order / Send loanINBOUNDClient sends this event to initiate new loan or update loan. STACX will create the loan sent from the client. STACX API will receive the Xml data. Here STACX will be providing the XML Structure for each event and Parse through the xml and create a loan en
ProductDelivery Product DeliveryOUTBOUNDSTACX will deliver the loan with respective documents. Can export document in 3 ways. Based on data received in request we will send the document in SFTP/LINK/BASE64 format.
ResumeOrder Processing ResumedINBOUNDClient and/or STACX sends this event to resume a loan that has been delayed or put on hold.
ResumeOrder Processing ResumedOUTBOUNDClient and/or STACX sends this event to resume a loan that has been delayed or put on hold.

      Inbound - Events receiving from client.
      Outbound - Events sending from STACX.

Order Placement
      1. CLIENT will create the Order Requests (CLIENT API Event AT11).
      2. CLIENTAPI will route the orders to STACX.

Confirmation of the orders
      3. STACX will confirm the request (CLIENTAPI Event AT12) for the order.
      4. If STACX does not accept the order, STACX will decline the order by sending Order Not Accepted by STACX (CLIENTAPI Event AT13) on the order.

Order Process
      5. When the order is complete, STACX will upload the documents using Document Delivered by STACX with product data(CLIENTAPI Event AT14).

Completion of Order
      6. Upon completion of the order, STACX will send Order Completed (CLIENTAPI Event AT50) to the order to indicate the order is complete.

General Use Events
      7. STACX should post any notes or events to CLIENT by sending Notes (CLIENTAPI Event AT15) on the applicable order. Notes (CLIENTAPI Event AT15) will also be utilized by the CLIENT on the applicable order to relay information to CLIENT
      8. The STACX and/or CLIENT may communicate that the order is on hold by sending Order On-Hold (CLIENTAPI Event AT21) event. The Order Resume (CLIENTAPI Event AT23) is sent to resume an order that has been put on hold (CLIENTAPI Event AT21).
      9. The Client sends this event to the STACX to get the current status of the order (CLIENTAPI Event AT30) event.
      10. The STACX sends this event to the CLIENT to notify the current status of the order (CLIENTAPI Event AT31) event
      11. If either the CLIENT or STACX needs to cancel the order at any time, Order Cancelled(CLIENTAPI Event AT22) should be sent on the order to be cancelled.

Order FeedBack
      12. The Client sends this event to the STACX to add a new Document Type for Classification(CLIENTAPI Event AT60) event.
      13. The Client sends this event to the STACX to provide a feedback on Document Type Classification(CLIENTAPI Event AT65) event.
      14. The Client sends this event to the STACX to provide a Feedback on Extraction Fields.

Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT11
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: PlaceOrder
CorrelationIdentifier R Unique number/Hash for the event
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
Transaction > LoanInfo
LoanNumber R Loan Number
ProductCode R ProductCode is mentioned in Product Section
Transaction > LoanInfo > Property
Address1 R Property address
Address2 R Property address
State R Property statecode
County O Property county
City R Property city
Zip R Property zipcode
Transaction > DocumentsList
Count R No of documents count
Transaction > DocumentsList > Documents > Document
FileName R File Name
FileType R Document type. Eg: PDF
FileSource R File Source Eg: Base64/S3/SFTP/LINK
File R File Content / File Path
Transaction > Comments R SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>{{client_app_name}}</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <ClientID>{{client_id}}</ClientID> <EventCode>AT11</EventCode> <EventName>PlaceOrder</EventName> <CorrelationIdentifier>c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23</CorrelationIdentifier> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>{{unique_transaction_id}}</TransactionID> <LoanInfo> <LoanNumber>{{loan_number}}</LoanNumber> <ProductCode>{{product_code}}</ProductCode> <Property> <Address1>XPRESS Street</Address1> <Address2></Address2> <State>FL</State> <County>PUTNAM</County> <City>BOSTWICK</City> <Zipcode>32007</Zipcode> </Property> </LoanInfo> <DocumentsList> <Count>1</Count> <Documents> <Document> <FileName>filename1.pdf</FileName> <FileType>PDF</FileType> <FileSource>BASE64</FileSource> <!-- BASE64/S3/SFTP/LINK --> <File> File Content </File> <!-- Base64 Content/ S3 path/ SFTP path/ Download link --> </Document> <Document> <FileName>filename2.pdf</FileName> <FileType>PDF</FileType> <FileSource>BASE64</FileSource> <!-- BASE64/S3/SFTP/LINK --> <File> File Content </File><!-- Base64 Content/ S3 path/ SFTP path/ Download link --> </Document> </Documents> </DocumentsList> <Comments>SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS</Comments> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "{{client_app_name}}", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "ClientID": "{{client_id}}", "EventCode": "AT11", "EventName": "PlaceOrder", "CorrelationIdentifier": "c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "{{unique_transaction_id}}", "LoanInfo": { "LoanNumber": "{{loan_number}}", "ProductCode": "{{product_code}}", "Property": { "Address1": "XPRESS Street", "Address2": "", "State": "FL", "County": "PUTNAM", "City": "BOSTWICK", "Zipcode": "32007" } }, "DocumentsList": { "Count": "1", "Documents": { "Document": [ { "FileName": "filename1.pdf", "FileType": "PDF", "FileSource": "BASE64",/*BASE64/S3/SFTP/LINK*/ "File": "FileContent"/*Base64 Content/ S3 path/ SFTP path/ Download link*/ }, { "FileName": "filename2.pdf", "FileType": "PDF", "FileSource": "BASE64",/*BASE64/S3/SFTP/LINK*/ "File": "FileContent"/*Base64 Content/S3 path/SFTP path/Download link*/ } ] } }, "Comments": "SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT12
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: AcceptOrder
CorrelationIdentifier R Unique number/Hash for the event
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
Comments R Comments
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>STACX</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <ClientID>XYZTEST123</ClientID> <EventCode>AT12</EventCode> <EventName>AcceptOrder</EventName> <CorrelationIdentifier>c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23</CorrelationIdentifier> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>20210524-001</TransactionID> <Comments>The Order has been accepted</Comments> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "STACX", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "ClientID": "{{client_id}}", "EventCode": "AT12", "EventName": "AcceptOrder", "CorrelationIdentifier": "c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "{{transaction_id}}", "Comments": "The Order has been accepted" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT13
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: RejectOrder
CorrelationIdentifier R Unique number/Hash for the event
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
Comments R Comments
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>STACX</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <ClientID>XYZTEST123</ClientID> <EventCode>AT13</EventCode> <EventName>RejectOrder</EventName> <CorrelationIdentifier>c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23</CorrelationIdentifier> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>20210524-001</TransactionID> <Comments>The Order has been accepted</Comments> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "STACX", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "ClientID": "{{client_id}}", "EventCode": "AT13", "EventName": "RejectOrder", "CorrelationIdentifier": "c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "{{transaction_id}}", "Comments": "The Order has been accepted" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT14
EventName O Name of the event. Eg: ProductDelivery
CorrelationIdentifier R Unique number/Hash for the event
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
OrderNumber R Order number of the STACX application
Transaction > ClassificationData
Page O Data in page
Transaction > ClassificationData > Page
PageNum O PageNum Eg :1
DocType O DocType Eg : Credit Report
PageConfidence O PageConfidence Eg : 78
Transaction > DocumentsList
Count R No of documents count
Transaction > DocumentsList > Documents > Document
FileName R File Name
Type R Type Eg: Credit Report
Pages R Pages Eg: 4
FileType R Document type. Eg: PDF
FileSize R FileSize Eg: 227049617
Format R Format Eg: 4
Hash R Hash Eg: cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764da
FileSource R File Source Eg: Base64/S3/SFTP/LINK
File R File Content / File Path
Attribute O Attributes
Transaction > DocumentsList > Documents > Document > Attribute
Name R Name Eg : Version,Borrower_First_Name
Value R Value Eg : 1.0,John
Page R Page Eg : 1
Transaction > Reports
FileName R File Name. Eg:AuditCheckList.pdf
FileType R Document type. Eg: PDF
FileSource R File Source Eg: Base64
Type R Type Eg: AuditChecklist
File R File Content
Transaction > Comment O Comments
<?xml version="1.0"?> <result> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>STACX</SourceApp> <SourceVer>2.0</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <ClientID>{{client_id}}</ClientID> <EventCode>AT14</EventCode> <EventName>ProductDelivery</EventName> <CorrelationIdentifier>c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23</CorrelationIdentifier> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>{{transaction_id}}</TransactionID> <OrderNumber>{{stacx_order_number}}</OrderNumber> <ClassificationData> <Page> <PageNum>1</PageNum> <DocType>Credit Report</DocType> <PageConfidence>78</PageConfidence> </Page> <Page> <PageNum>2</PageNum> <DocType>Credit Report</DocType> <PageConfidence>89</PageConfidence> </Page> <Page> <PageNum>3</PageNum> <DocType>Credit Report</DocType> <PageConfidence>98</PageConfidence> </Page> <Page> <PageNum>4</PageNum> <DocType>Loan Estimate</DocType> <PageConfidence>75</PageConfidence> </Page> <Page> <PageNum>5</PageNum> <DocType>Loan Estimate</DocType> <PageConfidence>55</PageConfidence> </Page> <Page> <PageNum>6</PageNum> <DocType>Loan Estimate</DocType> <PageConfidence>68</PageConfidence> </Page> <Page> <PageNum>7</PageNum> <DocType>Security Instrument</DocType> <PageConfidence>100</PageConfidence> </Page> <Page> <PageNum>8</PageNum> <DocType>Security Instrument</DocType> <PageConfidence>100</PageConfidence> </Page> <Page> <PageNum>9</PageNum> <DocType>Loan Estimate</DocType> <PageConfidence>22</PageConfidence> </Page> <Page> <PageNum>10</PageNum> <DocType>Credit Report</DocType> <PageConfidence>22</PageConfidence> </Page> </ClassificationData> <DocumentList> <Count>3</Count> <Documents> <Document> <FileName>creditreport.pdf</FileName> <Type>Credit Report</Type> <Pages>4</Pages> <FileType>pdf</FileType> <FileSize>227049617</FileSize> <Format>multipage</Format> <Hash>cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764da</Hash> <FileSource>Base64</FileSource><!-- BASE64/S3/SFTP/LINK --> <File>FileContent</File><!-- Base64 Content/ S3 path/ SFTP path/ Download link --> <Attribute> <Name>Version</Name> <Value>1.0</Value> <Page>1</Page> </Attribute> <Attribute> <Name>Borrower_First_Name</Name> <Value>John</Value> <Page>1</Page> </Attribute> <Attribute> <Name>Borrower_Last_Name</Name> <Value>Smith</Value> <Page>2</Page> </Attribute> <Attribute> <Name>Borrower_Address_City</Name> <Value>Achorough</Value> <Page>2</Page> </Attribute> <Attribute> <Name>Borrower_Address_Line1</Name> <Value>123 street</Value> <Page>3</Page> </Attribute> <Attribute> <Name>Borrower_Address_State</Name> <Value>AK</Value> <Page>3</Page> </Attribute> <Attribute> <Name>Borrower_Address_Zip</Name> <Value>99501</Value> <Page>1</Page> </Attribute> <Attribute> <Name>Borrower_Middle_Name</Name> <Value>K</Value> <Page>1</Page> </Attribute> <Attribute> <Name>CoBorrower_First_Name</Name> <Value/> <Page>10</Page> </Attribute> <Attribute> <Name>CoBorrower_Last_Name</Name> <Value/> <Page>10</Page> </Attribute> <Attribute> <Name>Credit_Report_Date</Name> <Value/> <Page>10</Page> </Attribute> </Document> <Document> <FileName>loanestimate.pdf</FileName> <Type>Loan Estimate</Type> <pages>4</pages> <FileType>pdf</FileType> <FileSize>227049617</FileSize> <Format>multipage</Format> <Hash>cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764da</Hash> <FileSource>Base64</FileSource><!-- BASE64/S3/SFTP/LINK --> <File>FileContent</File><!-- Base64 Content/ S3 path/ SFTP path/ Download link --> <Attribute> <Name>field11</Name> <Value>value11</Value> <Page>4</Page> </Attribute> <Attribute> <Name>field12</Name> <Value>value12</Value> <Page>4</Page> </Attribute> <Attribute> <Name>field13</Name> <Value>value13</Value> <Page>6</Page> </Attribute> <Attribute> <Name>field14</Name> <Value>value14</Value> <Page>9</Page> </Attribute> </Document> <Document> <FileName>SecurityInstrument.pdf</FileName> <Type>Security Instrument</Type> <pages>2</pages> <FileType>pdf</FileType> <FileSize>227049617</FileSize> <Format>multipage</Format> <Hash>cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764da</Hash> <FileSource>Base64</FileSource> <File>Base64 Encode Content</File> <Attribute> <Name>field21</Name> <Value>value21</Value> <Page>7</Page> </Attribute> <Attribute> <Name>field22</Name> <Value>value22</Value> <Page>7</Page> </Attribute> <Attribute> <Name>field23</Name> <Value>value23</Value> <Page>7</Page> </Attribute> <Attribute> <Name>field24</Name> <Value>value24</Value> <Page>8</Page> </Attribute> </Document> </Documents> </DocumentList> <Reports> <FileName>AuditChecklist.pdf</FileName> <FileType>PDF</FileType> <Type>AuditChecklist</Type> <FileSource>BASE64</FileSource> <File>BASE64 Encoded Content</File> </Reports> <Comments>Product Delivery</Comments> </Transaction> </result>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "STACX", "SourceVer": "2.0", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "ClientID": "{{client_id}}", "EventCode": "AT14", "EventName": "ProductDelivery", "CorrelationIdentifier": "c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "{{transaction_id}}", "OrderNumber": "{{stacx_order_number}}", "ClassificationData": { "Page": [ { "PageNum": "1", "DocType": "Credit Report", "PageConfidence": "78" }, { "PageNum": "2", "DocType": "Credit Report", "PageConfidence": "89" }, { "PageNum": "3", "DocType": "Credit Report", "PageConfidence": "98" }, { "PageNum": "4", "DocType": "Loan Estimate", "PageConfidence": "75" }, { "PageNum": "5", "DocType": "Loan Estimate", "PageConfidence": "55" }, { "PageNum": "6", "DocType": "Loan Estimate", "PageConfidence": "68" }, { "PageNum": "7", "DocType": "Security Instrument", "PageConfidence": "100" }, { "PageNum": "8", "DocType": "Security Instrument", "PageConfidence": "100" }, { "PageNum": "9", "DocType": "Loan Estimate", "PageConfidence": "22" }, { "PageNum": "10", "DocType": "Credit Report", "PageConfidence": "22" } ] }, "DocumentList": { "Count": "3", "Documents": { "Document": [ { "FileName": "creditreport.pdf", "Type": "Credit Report", "Pages": "4", "FileType": "pdf", "FileSize": "227049617", "Format": "multipage", "Hash": "cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764da", "FileSource": "Base64",/*BASE64/S3/SFTP/LINK*/ "File": "FileContent",/*Base64 Content/ S3 path/ SFTP path/ Download link*/ "Attribute": [ { "Name": "Version", "Value": "1.0", "Page": "1" }, { "Name": "Borrower_First_Name", "Value": "John", "Page": "1" }, { "Name": "Borrower_Last_Name", "Value": "Smith", "Page": "2" }, { "Name": "Borrower_Address_City", "Value": "Achorough", "Page": "2" }, { "Name": "Borrower_Address_Line1", "Value": "123 street", "Page": "3" }, { "Name": "Borrower_Address_State", "Value": "AK", "Page": "3" }, { "Name": "Borrower_Address_Zip", "Value": "99501", "Page": "1" }, { "Name": "Borrower_Middle_Name", "Value": "K", "Page": "1" }, { "Name": "CoBorrower_First_Name", "Value": "", "Page": "10" }, { "Name": "CoBorrower_Last_Name", "Value": "", "Page": "10" }, { "Name": "Credit_Report_Date", "Value": "", "Page": "10" } ] }, { "FileName": "loanestimate.pdf", "Type": "Loan Estimate", "pages": "4", "FileType": "pdf", "FileSize": "227049617", "Format": "multipage", "Hash": "cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764da", "FileSource": "Base64",/*BASE64/S3/SFTP/LINK*/ "File": "FileContent",/*Base64 Content/ S3 path/ SFTP path/ Download link*/ "Attribute": [ { "Name": "field11", "Value": "value11", "Page": "4" }, { "Name": "field12", "Value": "value12", "Page": "4" }, { "Name": "field13", "Value": "value13", "Page": "6" }, { "Name": "field14", "Value": "value14", "Page": "9" } ] }, { "FileName": "SecurityInstrument.pdf", "Type": "Security Instrument", "pages": "2", "FileType": "pdf", "FileSize": "227049617", "Format": "multipage", "Hash": "cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764da", "FileSource": "Base64",/*BASE64/S3/SFTP/LINK*/ "File": "FileContent",/*Base64 Content/ S3 path/ SFTP path/ Download link*/ "Attribute": [ { "Name": "field21", "Value": "value21", "Page": "7" }, { "Name": "field22", "Value": "value22", "Page": "7" }, { "Name": "field23", "Value": "value23", "Page": "7" }, { "Name": "field24", "Value": "value24", "Page": "8" } ] } ] } }, "Reports": [ { "FileName": "AuditChecklist.pdf", "FileType": "PDF", "Type": "AuditChecklist", "FileSource": "BASE64", "File": "Base64 Encoded File" } ], "Comments": "Product Delivery" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT15
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: AddNotes
CorrelationIdentifier R Unique number/Hash for the event
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
OrderNumber R Order number of the client application
Comments O Comments
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>CLIENTAPPNAME</SourceApp> <SourceVer>2.0</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <ClientID>XYZTEST123</ClientID> <EventCode>AT15</EventCode> <EventName>AddNotes</EventName> <CorrelationIdentifier>c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23</CorrelationIdentifier> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>AMC-10142021-0003</TransactionID> <OrderNumber>SUAT21001140</OrderNumber> <Comments>Testing Add notes </Comments> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "CLIENTAPPNAME", "SourceVer": "2.0", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "ClientID": "XYZTEST123", "EventCode": "AT15", "EventName": "AddNotes", "CorrelationIdentifier": "c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "AMC-10142021-0003", "OrderNumber": "SUAT21001140", "Comments": "Testing Add notes " } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT21
EventName O Name of the event. Eg: OnHoldOrder
CorrelationIdentifier R Unique number/Hash for the event
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
OrderNumber R Order number of the client application
Comments O Comments
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>CLIENTAPPNAME</SourceApp> <SourceVer>2.0</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <ClientID>XYZTEST123</ClientID> <EventCode>AT21</EventCode> <EventName>HoldOrder</EventName> <CorrelationIdentifier>c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23</CorrelationIdentifier> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>AMC-10142021-0003</TransactionID> <OrderNumber>UDOC21000108</OrderNumber> <Comments>On holding the order due to some reason</Comments> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "CLIENTAPPNAME", "SourceVer": "2.0", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "ClientID": "XYZTEST123", "EventCode": "AT21", "EventName": "HoldOrder", "CorrelationIdentifier": "c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "AMC-10142021-0003", "OrderNumber": "UDOC21000108", "Comments": "On holding the order due to some reason" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT22
EventName O Name of the event. Eg: CancelOrder
CorrelationIdentifier R Unique number/Hash for the event
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
OrderNumber R Order number of the client application
Comments O Comments
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>CLIENTAPPNAME</SourceApp> <SourceVer>2.0</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <ClientID>XYZTEST123</ClientID> <EventCode>AT22</EventCode> <EventName>CancelOrder</EventName> <CorrelationIdentifier>c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23</CorrelationIdentifier> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>AMC-10142021-0003</TransactionID> <OrderNumber>UDOC21000108</OrderNumber> <Comments>The order has been cancelled</Comments> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "CLIENTAPPNAME", "SourceVer": "2.0", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "ClientID": "XYZTEST123", "EventCode": "AT22", "EventName": "CancelOrder", "CorrelationIdentifier": "c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "AMC-10142021-0003", "OrderNumber": "UDOC21000108", "Comments": "The order has been cancelled" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT23
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: ResumeOrder
CorrelationIdentifier R Unique number/Hash for the event
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
OrderNumber R Order number of the client application
Comments O Comments
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021/05/18 08:33:54</Created> <SourceApp>CLIENTAPPNAME</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1.0</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <ClientID>XYZTEST123</ClientID> <EventCode>AT23</EventCode> <EventName>Resume Order</EventName> <CorrelationIdentifier>cdd987d979dasd78fdfgdfwrwerw3wer001</CorrelationIdentifier> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>AMC-10142021-0003</TransactionID> <OrderNumber>UDOC21000108</OrderNumber> <Comments>Resume order due to some reason</Comments> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021/05/18 08:33:54", "SourceApp": "CLIENTAPPNAME", "SourceVer": "1.0", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "ClientID": "XYZTEST123", "EventCode": "AT23", "EventName": "Resume Order", "CorrelationIdentifier": "cdd987d979dasd78fdfgdfwrwerw3wer001" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "AMC-10142021-0003", "OrderNumber": "UDOC21000108", "Comments": "Resume order due to some reason" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT25
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: AddDocument
CorrelationIdentifier R Unique number/Hash for the event
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
OrderNumber R Order number of the client application
Comments O Comments
Transaction > Documents List > Document
FileName R File Name of the Sample Template provided
FileType R Document type. Eg: PDF
FileSource R File Source Eg: Base64
File R File Content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2023-02-16T15:11:22.34</Created> <SourceApp>CLIENTAPPNAME</SourceApp> <SourceVer>2.0</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <ClientID>XYZTEST123</ClientID> <EventCode>AT25</EventCode> <EventName>AddDocument</EventName> <CorrelationIdentifier>798EB87B-152E-4017-A33A-613C49034F5C</CorrelationIdentifier> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>TRANS-170323-1004</TransactionID> <OrderNumber>170320231004</OrderNumber> <Comments>Client send this event to add the document on a order</Comments> <DocumentsList> <Document> <FileName>2297170.pdf</FileName> <FileType>PDF</FileType> <FileSource>BASE64</FileSource> <File>FileContent</File> </Document> </DocumentsList> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2023-02-16T15:11:22.34", "SourceApp": "CLIENTAPPNAME", "SourceVer": "2.0", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "ClientID": "XYZTEST123", "EventCode": "AT25", "EventName": "AddDocument", "CorrelationIdentifier": "798EB87B-152E-4017-A33A-613C49034F5C" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "TRANS-170323-1004", "OrderNumber": "170320231004", "Comments": "Client send this event to add the document on a order", "DocumentsList": { "Document": { "FileName": "2297170.pdf", "FileType": "PDF", "FileSource": "BASE64", "File": "FileContent" } } } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2023-03-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT25
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: AddDocument
CorrelationIdentifier R Unique number/Hash for the event
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
OrderNumber R Order number of the client application
Comments O Comments
Transaction > LoanInfo
LoanNumber R LoanNumber
LoanPurpose R LoanPurpose
LoanType R LoanType
ProductCode R ProductCode
Transaction > LoanInfo > Property
Address1 R Address1
Address2 O Address2
State R State
County R County
City R City
Zipcode R Zipcode
Transaction > AuditFindings
DocumentType O DocumentType
Checkpoint O Checkpoint
CheckpointId O CheckpointId
Result O Result
Transaction > Documents List > Document
FileName R File Name of the Sample Template provided
FileType R Document type. Eg: PDF
FileSource R File Source Eg: Base64
File R File Content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2023-03-17T15:11:22.34</Created> <SourceApp>CLIENTAPPNAME</SourceApp> <SourceVer>2.0</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <ClientID>XYZTEST123</ClientID> <EventCode>AT25</EventCode> <EventName>DocumentDelivery</EventName> <CorrelationIdentifier>e185e2f7a423a9cc91b47183b3b5566e</CorrelationIdentifier> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>18553317_01</TransactionID> <OrderNumber>SAMR29423000108</OrderNumber> <LoanInfo> <LoanNumber>18553317</LoanNumber> <LoanPurpose>cashout</LoanPurpose> <LoanType>PRIME</LoanType> <ProductCode>1</ProductCode> <Property> <Address1>6607 Poplar Ave</Address1> <Address2></Address2> <State>MD</State> <County>Montgomery</County> <City>Takoma Park</City> <Zipcode>20912</Zipcode> </Property> </LoanInfo> <AuditFindings> <DocumentType>Amortization Schedule</DocumentType> <Checkpoint>Is Amortization Schedule present?</Checkpoint> <CheckpointId>1006</CheckpointId> <Result>pass</Result> </AuditFindings> <DocumentsList> <Document> <FileName>2297170.pdf</FileName> <FileType>PDF</FileType> <FileSource>BASE64</FileSource> <File>FileContent</File> </Document> </DocumentsList> <Comments>Document Delivery</Comments> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2023-03-17T02:45:35-04:00", "SourceApp": "CLIENTAPPNAME", "SourceVer": "2.0", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "ClientID": "XYZTEST123", "EventCode": "AT25", "EventName": "DocumentDelivery", "CorrelationIdentifier": "e185e2f7a423a9cc91b47183b3b5566e" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "18553317_01", "OrderNumber": "SAMR29423000108", "LoanInfo": { "LoanNumber": 18553317, "LoanPurpose": "cashout", "LoanType": "PRIME", "ProductCode": 1, "Property": { "Address1": "6607 Poplar Ave", "Address2": "", "State": "MD", "County": "Montgomery", "City": "Takoma Park", "Zipcode": "20912" } }, "AuditFindings": [ { "DocumentType": "Amortization Schedule", "Checkpoint": "Is Amortization Schedule present?", "CheckpointId": "1006", "Result": "pass" } ], "Documents": [ { "DocumentType": "PCAUDITFINDINGS", "FileName": "AuditchecklistVersion.pdf", "FileSource": "BASE64", "FileType": "PDF", "FileContent": "FileContent" } ], "Comments": "Document Delivery" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT30
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: GetStatus
CorrelationIdentifier R Unique number/Hash for the event
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
OrderNumber R Order number of the client application
Comments O Comments
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>CLIENTAPPNAME</SourceApp> <SourceVer>2.0</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <ClientID>XYZTEST123</ClientID> <EventCode>AT30</EventCode> <EventName>GetStatus</EventName> <CorrelationIdentifier>c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23</CorrelationIdentifier> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>AMC-10142021-0003</TransactionID> <OrderNumber>SUAT21001140</OrderNumber> <Comments>Get Order status </Comments> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "CLIENTAPPNAME", "SourceVer": "2.0", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "ClientID": "XYZTEST123", "EventCode": "AT30", "EventName": "GetStatus", "CorrelationIdentifier": "c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "AMC-10142021-0003", "OrderNumber": "SUAT21001140", "Comments": "Get Order status " } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventName R Name of the event. Eg: Status
CorrelationIdentifier R Unique number/Hash for the event
Status R Acknowledgement (ACK)
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
OrderStatus R Current status of the order
Status R Acknowledgement
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021/10/18 03:14:18</Created> <SourceApp>CLIENTAPPNAME</SourceApp> <SourceVer>2.0</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <Status>ACK</Status> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>AMC-10142021-0017</TransactionID> <OrderStatus>Image Received</OrderStatus> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021/10/18 03:14:18", "SourceApp": "CLIENTAPPNAME", "SourceVer": "2.0", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "Status": "ACK" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "AMC-10142021-0017", "OrderStatus": "Image Received" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT31
EventName O Name of the event. Eg: OrderStatus
CorrelationIdentifier R Unique number/Hash for the event
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
OrderNumber R Order number of the client application
OrderStatus R Current status of the order
Comments O Comments
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>STACX</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <ClientID>XYZTEST123</ClientID> <EventCode>AT31</EventCode> <EventName>OrderStatus</EventName> <CorrelationIdentifier>c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23</CorrelationIdentifier> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>20210524-001</TransactionID> <OrderNumber>654654</OrderNumber> <OrderStatus>Work In Progress</OrderStatus> <Comments>Posting order status</Comments> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "STACX", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "ClientID": "XYZTEST123", "EventCode": "AT31", "EventName": "OrderStatus", "CorrelationIdentifier": "c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "20210524-001", "OrderNumber": "654654", "OrderStatus": "Work In Progress", "Comments": "Posting order status" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT35
EventName O Name of the event. Eg: OrderStatus
CorrelationIdentifier R Unique number/Hash for the event
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
OrderNumber R Order number of the client application
Comments O Comments
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2023-03-17T15:11:22.34</Created> <SourceApp>CLIENTAPPNAME</SourceApp> <SourceVer>2.0</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <ClientID>XYZTEST123</ClientID> <EventCode>AT35</EventCode> <EventName>GetPayloadData</EventName> <CorrelationIdentifier>2aef38cb588ae6d6d63af6affbddadf1</CorrelationIdentifier> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>18553317_01</TransactionID> <OrderNumber>SAMR29423000108</OrderNumber> <Comments>Trigger AT35 on coversheet print.</Comments> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2023-03-17T11:45:13-04:00", "SourceApp": "CLIENTAPPNAME", "SourceVer": "2.0", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "ClientID": "XYZTEST123", "EventCode": "AT35", "EventName": "GetPayloadData", "CorrelationIdentifier": "2aef38cb588ae6d6d63af6affbddadf1" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "TRANS-170323-1003", "OrderNumber": "SSMOR49823000378", "Comments": "Trigger AT35 on coversheet print." } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT46
EventName O Name of the event. Eg: OrderComplete
CorrelationIdentifier R Unique number/Hash for the event
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
OrderNumber R Order number of the client application
Comments O Comments
Transaction > Exceptions
ExceptionID O ExceptionID
ExceptionStatus O ExceptionStatus
ExceptionCategory O ExceptionCategory
DocumentType O DocumentType
ExceptionType O ExceptionType
Transaction > Exceptions > QuestionAnswer
Question O Question
Answer O Answer
IsCritical O IsCritical
Comments O Comments
Transaction > Exceptions > Document
FileName R File Name of the Sample Template provided
FileType R Document type. Eg: PDF
FileSource R File Source Eg: Base64
File R File Content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2023-03-17T15:11:22.34</Created> <SourceApp>CLIENTAPPNAME</SourceApp> <SourceVer>2.0</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <ClientID>XYZTEST123</ClientID> <EventCode>AT46</EventCode> <EventName>OrderException</EventName> <CorrelationIdentifier>c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23</CorrelationIdentifier> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>TRANS-170323-1004</TransactionID> <OrderNumber>170320231004</OrderNumber> <Comments>Adding documents</Comments> <Exceptions> <ExceptionID>2803</ExceptionID> <ExceptionStatus>New</ExceptionStatus> <ExceptionCategory>Post Audit</ExceptionCategory> <DocumentType>Disclosure</DocumentType> <ExceptionType>Missing</ExceptionType> <QuestionAnswer> <Question>Is the Closing Disclosure Form present?</Question> <Answer>No</Answer> <IsCritical></IsCritical> <Comments>null</Comments> </QuestionAnswer> <Document> <FileName>FileNumber2.pdf</FileName> <FileType>PDF</FileType> <FileSource>BASE64</FileSource> <File>FileContent</File> </Document> </Exceptions> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "CLIENTAPPNAME", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "ClientID": "XYZTEST123", "EventCode": "AT46", "EventName": "OrderException", "CorrelationIdentifier": "c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "TRANS-170323-1004", "OrderNumber": "170320231004", "Comments": "Adding documents", "Exceptions": [ { "ExceptionID": "2803", "ExceptionStatus": "New", "ExceptionCategory": "Post Audit", "DocumentType": "Disclosure", "ExceptionType": "Missing", "QuestionAnswer": { "Question": "Is the Closing Disclosure Form present?", "Answer": "No", "IsCritical": "", "Comments": null }, "Documents": { "FileName": "FileNumber2.pdf", "FileType": "PDF", "FileSource": "BASE64", "File": "File Content" } } ] } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT50
EventName O Name of the event. Eg: OrderComplete
CorrelationIdentifier R Unique number/Hash for the event
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
OrderNumber R Order number of the client application
Comments O Comments
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>STACX</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <ClientID>XYZTEST123</ClientID> <EventCode>AT50</EventCode> <EventName>OrderComplete</EventName> <CorrelationIdentifier>c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23</CorrelationIdentifier> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>20210524-001</TransactionID> <OrderNumber>654654</OrderNumber> <Comments>The order has been completed</Comments> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "STACX", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "ClientID": "XYZTEST123", "EventCode": "AT50", "EventName": "OrderComplete", "CorrelationIdentifier": "c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "20210524-001", "OrderNumber": "654654", "Comments": "The order has been completed" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT60
EventName O Name of the event. Eg: NewDocType
CorrelationIdentifier R Unique number/Hash for the event
Data > NewDocTypeLists > NewDocTypeList > NewDocType
Doc Type Template Name R Name of the new document type to be setup in the OCR Engine
Below are the template attributes for each sample received to setup in OCR. There can be multiple samples.
File Name R File Name of the Sample Template provided
File Source R Base64 Content
File DPI R Resolution of the template like 200 or 300 DPI
Below are the field level attributes for each field that needs to be data extracted from the template by OCR
Field Name R Name of the field
Field Type R Type of the field (Integer/String etc)
Field Value R Value of the field as in the sample
Top, Left, Right & Bottom O If structured document, mention the coordinates of the field in the sample
Page Number O Page Number where the field exists
Keywords O Multiple Keywords to identify the field in the document like keyword before and after the field value etc.
Comments O Any additional comments
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>CLIENTAPPNAME</SourceApp> <SourceVer>2.0</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <ClientID>XYZTEST123</ClientID> <EventCode>AT60</EventCode> <EventName>NewDocType</EventName> <CorrelationIdentifier>c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23</CorrelationIdentifier> </Header> <Data> <NewDocTypeLists> <NewDocTypeList> <NewDocType name="NewDocumentTypeName1"> <SampleDocs> <FileName>sample-pdf-file1.pdf</FileName> <FileSource>PDF</FileSource> <FileDPI>test</FileDPI> </SampleDocs> <SampleDocs> <FileName>sample-pdf-file23.pdf</FileName> <FileSource>PDF</FileSource> <FileDPI>test</FileDPI> </SampleDocs> <Attribute filename="Signature 1" filevalue="Y" filetype="" pagenumber="" top="" left="" right="" bottom="" keywords="" comments="" /> <Attribute filename="Signature Date 1" filevalue="12/22/2020" filetype="" pagenumber="" top="" left="" right="" bottom="" keywords="" comments="" /> <Attribute filename="Spouse Signature" filevalue="" filetype="" pagenumber="" top="" left="" right="" bottom="" keywords="" comments="" /> <Attribute filename="Spouse Signature Date" filevalue="" filetype="" pagenumber="" top="" left="" right="" bottom="" keywords="" comments="" /> </NewDocType> <NewDocType name="NewDocumentTypeName2"> <SampleDocs> <FileName>sample-pdf-file1.pdf</FileName> <FileSource>PDF</FileSource> <FileDPI>test</FileDPI> </SampleDocs> <SampleDocs> <FileName>sample-pdf-file23.pdf</FileName> <FileSource>PDF</FileSource> <FileDPI>test</FileDPI> </SampleDocs> <SampleDocs> <FileName>sample-pdf-file23.pdf</FileName> <FileSource>PDF</FileSource> <FileDPI>test</FileDPI> </SampleDocs> <Attribute filename="Signature 1" filevalue="Y" filetype="" pagenumber="" top="" left="" right="" bottom="" keywords="" comments="" /> <Attribute filename="Signature Date 1" filevalue="12/22/2020" filetype="" pagenumber="" top="" left="" right="" bottom="" keywords="" comments="" /> <Attribute filename="Spouse Signature" filevalue="" filetype="" pagenumber="" top="" left="" right="" bottom="" keywords="" comments="" /> <Attribute filename="Spouse Signature Date" filevalue="" filetype="" pagenumber="" top="" left="" right="" bottom="" keywords="" comments="" /> </NewDocType> </NewDocTypeList> </NewDocTypeLists> </Data> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "CLIENTAPPNAME", "SourceVer": "2.0", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "ClientID": "XYZTEST123", "EventCode": "AT60", "EventName": "NewDocType", "CorrelationIdentifier": "c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23" }, "Data": { "NewDocTypeLists": { "NewDocTypeList": { "NewDocType": [ { "@attributes": { "name": "NewDocumentTypeName1" }, "SampleDocs": [ { "FileName": "sample-pdf-file1.pdf", "FileSource": "PDF", "FileDPI": "test" }, { "FileName": "sample-pdf-file23.pdf", "FileSource": "PDF", "FileDPI": "test" } ], "Attribute": [ { "@attributes": { "filename": "Signature 1", "filevalue": "Y", "filetype": "", "pagenumber": "", "top": "", "left": "", "right": "", "bottom": "", "keywords": "", "comments": "" } }, { "@attributes": { "filename": "Signature Date 1", "filevalue": "12/22/2020", "filetype": "", "pagenumber": "", "top": "", "left": "", "right": "", "bottom": "", "keywords": "", "comments": "" } }, { "@attributes": { "filename": "Spouse Signature", "filevalue": "", "filetype": "", "pagenumber": "", "top": "", "left": "", "right": "", "bottom": "", "keywords": "", "comments": "" } }, { "@attributes": { "filename": "Spouse Signature Date", "filevalue": "", "filetype": "", "pagenumber": "", "top": "", "left": "", "right": "", "bottom": "", "keywords": "", "comments": "" } } ] }, { "@attributes": { "name": "NewDocumentTypeName2" }, "SampleDocs": [ { "FileName": "sample-pdf-file1.pdf", "FileSource": "PDF", "FileDPI": "test" }, { "FileName": "sample-pdf-file23.pdf", "FileSource": "PDF", "FileDPI": "test" }, { "FileName": "sample-pdf-file23.pdf", "FileSource": "PDF", "FileDPI": "test" } ], "Attribute": [ { "@attributes": { "filename": "Signature 1", "filevalue": "Y", "filetype": "", "pagenumber": "", "top": "", "left": "", "right": "", "bottom": "", "keywords": "", "comments": "" } }, { "@attributes": { "filename": "Signature Date 1", "filevalue": "12/22/2020", "filetype": "", "pagenumber": "", "top": "", "left": "", "right": "", "bottom": "", "keywords": "", "comments": "" } }, { "@attributes": { "filename": "Spouse Signature", "filevalue": "", "filetype": "", "pagenumber": "", "top": "", "left": "", "right": "", "bottom": "", "keywords": "", "comments": "" } }, { "@attributes": { "filename": "Spouse Signature Date", "filevalue": "", "filetype": "", "pagenumber": "", "top": "", "left": "", "right": "", "bottom": "", "keywords": "", "comments": "" } } ] } ] } } } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT65
EventName O Name of the event. Eg: ClassificationFB
CorrelationIdentifier R Unique number/Hash for the event
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
OrderNumber R Order number of the client application
Transaction > ClassificationInfo
OrderStatus R Current status of the order
Page Number R Page Number in the original document received for classification
Old Doc Type R Document Type Name classified by the OCR Engine
Modified Doc Type R Document Type Name manually classified by the Freedom
Keywords O Multiple Keywords to identify the document type
Comments O Any additional comments
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>CLIENTAPPNAME</SourceApp> <SourceVer>2.0</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <ClientID>XYZTEST123</ClientID> <EventCode>AT65</EventCode> <EventName>ClassificationFB</EventName> <CorrelationIdentifier>c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23</CorrelationIdentifier> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>20210524-001</TransactionID> <OrderNumber>654654</OrderNumber> <ClassificationInfo> <PageNumber>78</PageNumber> <OldDocType>Closing Disclosure</OldDocType> <ModifiedDocType>eDisclosure</ModifiedDocType> <Keywords>String</Keywords> <Comments>String</Comments> </ClassificationInfo> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "CLIENTAPPNAME", "SourceVer": "2.0", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "ClientID": "XYZTEST123", "EventCode": "AT65", "EventName": "ClassificationFB", "CorrelationIdentifier": "c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "20210524-001", "OrderNumber": "654654", "ClassificationInfo": { "PageNumber": "78", "OldDocType": "Closing Disclosure", "ModifiedDocType": "eDisclosure", "Keywords": "String", "Comments": "String" } } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT65
EventName O Name of the event. Eg: ClassificationFB
CorrelationIdentifier R Unique number/Hash for the event
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
OrderNumber R Order number of the client application
Below are the template attributes for each document type of the loan input document received.
Doc Type Name R Doc Type Name of the Sample Template provided
Below are the field level attributes for each field of the doc type that needs to be fixed or to teach the OCR Engine.
Field Name R Name of the field
Field Type R Type of the field (Integer/String etc)
Old Field Value R Field Value recognized by the OCR Engine
New Field Value R Field Value modified by Freedom
Old Page Number R Old Page Number where OCR extracted the field data
New Page Number O New Page Number where the Freedom manually entered the field data
Keywords O Multiple Keywords to identify the field in the document like keyword before and after the field value etc.
Top, Left, Right & Bottom O If structured document, mention the coordinates of the field in the sample
Comments O Any additional comments
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00</Created> <SourceApp>CLIENTAPPNAME</SourceApp> <SourceVer>2.0</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <ClientID>XYZTEST123</ClientID> <EventCode>AT70</EventCode> <EventName>ExtractionFB</EventName> <CorrelationIdentifier>c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23</CorrelationIdentifier> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>20210524-001</TransactionID> <OrderNumber>654654</OrderNumber> <Extractioninfo> <DocTypes> <DocType name="DocTypeName 1"> <Attribute filename="Signature 1" oldfieldvalue="" newfieldvalue="" filetype="" oldpagenumber="" newpagenumber="" top="" left="" right="" bottom="" keywords="" comments="" /> <Attribute filename="Signature Date 1" oldfieldvalue="" newfieldvalue="" filetype="" oldpagenumber="" newpagenumber="" top="" left="" right="" bottom="" keywords="" comments="" /> <Attribute filename="Spouse Signature" oldfieldvalue="" newfieldvalue="" filetype="" oldpagenumber="" newpagenumber="" top="" left="" right="" bottom="" keywords="" comments="" /> <Attribute filename="Spouse Signature Date" oldfieldvalue="" newfieldvalue="" filetype="" oldpagenumber="" newpagenumber="" top="" left="" right="" bottom="" keywords="" comments="" /> </DocType> <DocType name="DocTypeName 2"> <Attribute filename="Signature 1" oldfieldvalue="" newfieldvalue="" filetype="" oldpagenumber="" newpagenumber="" top="" left="" right="" bottom="" keywords="" comments="" /> <Attribute filename="Signature Date 1" oldfieldvalue="" newfieldvalue="" filetype="" oldpagenumber="" newpagenumber="" top="" left="" right="" bottom="" keywords="" comments="" /> <Attribute filename="Spouse Signature" oldfieldvalue="" newfieldvalue="" filetype="" oldpagenumber="" newpagenumber="" top="" left="" right="" bottom="" keywords="" comments="" /> <Attribute filename="Spouse Signature Date" oldfieldvalue="" newfieldvalue="" filetype="" oldpagenumber="" newpagenumber="" top="" left="" right="" bottom="" keywords="" comments="" /> </DocType> </DocTypes> </Extractioninfo> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021-06-09T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "CLIENTAPPNAME", "SourceVer": "2.0", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "ClientID": "XYZTEST123", "EventCode": "AT70", "EventName": "ExtractionFB", "CorrelationIdentifier": "c8721c77a72b7321c884eefcdd496d23" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "20210524-001", "OrderNumber": "654654", "Extractioninfo": { "DocTypes": { "DocType": [ { "@attributes": { "name": "DocTypeName 1" }, "Attribute": [ { "@attributes": { "filename": "Signature 1", "oldfieldvalue": "", "newfieldvalue": "", "filetype": "", "oldpagenumber": "", "newpagenumber": "", "top": "", "left": "", "right": "", "bottom": "", "keywords": "", "comments": "" } }, { "@attributes": { "filename": "Signature Date 1", "oldfieldvalue": "", "newfieldvalue": "", "filetype": "", "oldpagenumber": "", "newpagenumber": "", "top": "", "left": "", "right": "", "bottom": "", "keywords": "", "comments": "" } }, { "@attributes": { "filename": "Spouse Signature", "oldfieldvalue": "", "newfieldvalue": "", "filetype": "", "oldpagenumber": "", "newpagenumber": "", "top": "", "left": "", "right": "", "bottom": "", "keywords": "", "comments": "" } }, { "@attributes": { "filename": "Spouse Signature Date", "oldfieldvalue": "", "newfieldvalue": "", "filetype": "", "oldpagenumber": "", "newpagenumber": "", "top": "", "left": "", "right": "", "bottom": "", "keywords": "", "comments": "" } } ] }, { "@attributes": { "name": "DocTypeName 2" }, "Attribute": [ { "@attributes": { "filename": "Signature 1", "oldfieldvalue": "", "newfieldvalue": "", "filetype": "", "oldpagenumber": "", "newpagenumber": "", "top": "", "left": "", "right": "", "bottom": "", "keywords": "", "comments": "" } }, { "@attributes": { "filename": "Signature Date 1", "oldfieldvalue": "", "newfieldvalue": "", "filetype": "", "oldpagenumber": "", "newpagenumber": "", "top": "", "left": "", "right": "", "bottom": "", "keywords": "", "comments": "" } }, { "@attributes": { "filename": "Spouse Signature", "oldfieldvalue": "", "newfieldvalue": "", "filetype": "", "oldpagenumber": "", "newpagenumber": "", "top": "", "left": "", "right": "", "bottom": "", "keywords": "", "comments": "" } }, { "@attributes": { "filename": "Spouse Signature Date", "oldfieldvalue": "", "newfieldvalue": "", "filetype": "", "oldpagenumber": "", "newpagenumber": "", "top": "", "left": "", "right": "", "bottom": "", "keywords": "", "comments": "" } } ] } ] } } } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2023-03-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
ClientID R ClientID (mentioned under purpose section)
EventCode R Requested Event Code. Eg: AT76
EventName O Name of the event. Eg: OrderComplete
Comments O Comments
Transaction > Documents List > Document
EDMSDocumentTypeID O EDMSDocumentTypeID
EDMSDocumentTypeName O EDMSDocumentTypeName
Transaction > Documents List > Document > Fields
Name R Name
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2023-03-20T15:11:22.34</Created> <SourceApp>CLIENTAPPNAME</SourceApp> <SourceVer>2.0</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <ClientID>XYZTEST123</ClientID> <EventCode>AT76</EventCode> <EventName>UpdateDocumentField</EventName> </Header> <Transaction> <Comments>Adding documents</Comments> <DocumentsList> <Document> <EDMSDocumentTypeID>534</EDMSDocumentTypeID> <EDMSDocumentTypeName>203K Borrower Acknowledgment</EDMSDocumentTypeName> <Fields> <ID>1</ID> <Name>Borrower_First_Name</Name> </Fields> <Fields> <ID>2</ID> <Name>Borrower_Middle_Name</Name> </Fields> <Fields> <ID>3</ID> <Name>Borrower_Last_Name</Name> </Fields> </Document> <Document> <EDMSDocumentTypeID>524</EDMSDocumentTypeID> <EDMSDocumentTypeName>Closing Disclosure</EDMSDocumentTypeName> <Fields> <ID>1</ID> <Name>Borrower_First_Name</Name> </Fields> <Fields> <ID>2</ID> <Name>Borrower_Middle_Name</Name> </Fields> <Fields> <ID>3</ID> <Name>Borrower_Last_Name</Name> </Fields> </Document> </DocumentsList> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2023-03-20T15:16:26-04:00", "SourceApp": "CLIENTAPPNAME", "SourceVer": "2.0", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "ClientID": "XYZTEST123", "EventCode": "AT76", "EventName": "UpdateDocumentField" }, "Transaction": { "Comments": "Updating/Adding Document types and fields", "DocumentsList": { "Document": [ { "EDMSDocumentTypeID": "534", "EDMSDocumentTypeName": "203K Borrower Acknowledgment", "Fields": [ { "ID": "1", "Name": "Borrower_First_Name" }, { "ID": "2", "Name": "Borrower_Middle_Name" }, { "ID": "3", "Name": "Borrower_Last_Name" } ] }, { "EDMSDocumentTypeID": "524", "EDMSDocumentTypeName": "Closing Disclosure", "Fields": [ { "ID": "1", "Name": "Borrower_First_Name" }, { "ID": "2", "Name": "Borrower_Middle_Name" }, { "ID": "3", "Name": "Borrower_Last_Name" } ] } ] } } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
Status R Acknowledgement (ACK)
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
Status R Acknowledgement (ACK)
Received R Acknowledgement received date. (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
Validated Yes as a Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021/10/18 13:10:55</Created> <SourceApp>CLIENTAPPNAME</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <Status>ACK</Status> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>AMC-10142021-00017</TransactionID> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021/10/18 13:10:55", "SourceApp": "CLIENTAPPNAME", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "Status": "ACK" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "AMC-10142021-00017" } }
Field Name R/O Description
Created R Request created date time (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
SourceApp R Name of Source application
SourceVer R Application version
SourceEnv R Source application environment. Eg: UAT/DEV/PROD
Status R Acknowledgement (ACK)
TransactionID R Order number of the client application
Status R Negative Acknowledgement (NACK)
ErrorType R Type of error received
Description R Describes about the error
Received R Negative Acknowledgement received date. (2021-06-10T14:18:42+00:00 (W3C))
Validated No as a Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ATL-XML> <Header> <Created>2021/10/18 10:48:20</Created> <SourceApp>CLIENTAPPNAME</SourceApp> <SourceVer>1</SourceVer> <SourceEnv>DEV</SourceEnv> <Status>NACK</Status> </Header> <Transaction> <TransactionID>AMC-10142021-0032</TransactionID> <Errors> <Type>Event Failed</Type> <Description>No Integration Found like AMC</Description> </Errors> </Transaction> </ATL-XML>
{ "Header": { "Created": "2021/10/18 10:48:20", "SourceApp": "CLIENTAPPNAME", "SourceVer": "1", "SourceEnv": "DEV", "Status": "NACK" }, "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "AMC-10142021-0032", "Errors": { "Type": "Event Failed", "Description": "No Integration Found like AMC" } } }